This past December we went to the doctor. Tricia had been feeling off. She was nauseous, tired, and just out of sorts. We brought her in, took some tests. And that's when we got the news. Tricia had a parasite . . . .
Webster's defines a parasite as "something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return."
I was stunned. How did this happen? After it was explained how it happened (I missed that week in high school health class) the reality sunk in. There was nothing we could do but let it run its course. We would have to wait nine months for it to dislodge itself, at which point we could go along with our lives. I had the image from "Aliens" running through my head. You know, the scene where it bursts out of the chest. I was sad to hear that it won't be nearly as cool as that. Oh well.
So now we lie and wait. Wait for August 23rd. There will be much to prepare for.....
I'm not sure it happened EXACTLY like that.