Been a while since the last post, so I thought we'd update. For a brief moment, we thought we had misplaced the baby. Which is hard to do, since there aren't many places it could go. Took the doctor a good while to find it with the the little microphone/belly compressor. Not a good sign of things to come if it's already an accomplished hider.
It's also too early to tell for sure, but from all the signs that people have told us, we feel certain that our child will be .......
Yes, strange, but apparently true. "A fast heartbeat is a girl." "No, a fast heartbeat is a boy." "No morning sickness, must be a boy"
Cravings? If it's sweet, a girl. Salty, a boy. Well, she has sent me on errands for animal crackers (the ones in the cardboard box, they taste different), and three stops to find girl scout cookies. Why is it most of the time, I can't turn around without having to tell a little doe-eyed girl "I'm sorry I'm an evil ogre that eats puppies, and I don't want to buy cookies from you" and dash her hopes (at least that's what it feels like). But when Momma wants a cookie, they've disappeared like ghosts, leaving only the faint whiff of chocolate and mint in the air to taunt you. Anyway, I digress. She still munches on the popcorn as usual. So from this I can assume our child is part boy and part girl. Thankfully, there have been no cravings for dirt or paint chips.
And finally, "well, you look like you're carrying low, must be a boy." How they can tell where something the size of a grape is hiding is beyond me, but what do I know, I'm just a guy.
So there you have it, according to what everyone is telling me, we have conceived a boy/girl. Should make for a interesting nursery. I'm thinking either unicorns that shoot flames, or Transformers in ballerina outfits.
Personally, I would go for the flame shooting unicorns.